Thanks for twenty fantastic years.
Over the past two decades Squishymedia has been honored to work with great clients and great colleagues. From our first project with the City of Portland to this year’s relaunch of every project has been an opportunity to do good work for our partners and our communities.
Twenty years is a very long time in technology and business, though, and it’s time for us all to move on to new challenges. Thanks to everyone who worked with Squishy over the years.
Our Work

Used by thousands of researchers worldwide to share their datasets and access datasets for reuse.

NDI Neuroscience Physiology Data Management
Building standards-based interfaces for heterogeneous neurophysiological and imaging data recording technologies

An efficient and detailed reporting system for Department of Interior and the US Forest Service.

Research-grade diet tracking with stringent standards required for use in dietary analysis.

Cognitive Atlas
A collaborative knowledge base characterizing the state of current thought in Cognitive Science.

A mobile app made to track participant activity and facilitate interaction with a health coach.

Diabetes Modeling
A web application for analyzing the economic burden of diabetes and more.

The College Scorecard
An interactive tool to help students visually understand how colleges/universities compare.

A dietary tracking analysis and research tool that uses computer vision, machine learning and more.

A substance abuse and mental health research website accessible to the research community and general public.

CS for All Teachers
A site upgrade with customized functionality to meet specific needs and ongoing technical support.

Patient Centered CDS
A site designed and built for the PCCDS-LN initiative with ongoing technical consulting services.

Global Health eLearning Center
An online global health education tool for USAID missions around the world.
Our Wonderful Clients
National Institutes of Health NIH
- National Cancer Institute NCI
- National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases NIAID
- National Institute of Mental Health NIMH
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention CDC
- United States Department of Agriculture USDA
- United States Department of the Interior DOI
- Oregon Department of Human Services DHS
- Oregon Department of Transportation ODOT
- United States Department of Education
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration NOAA
- United States Department of Health & Human Services HHS
- United States Department of Veteran Affairs VA
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA Foundation BCBSMA
- Intermountain Healthcare
- Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation QCORP
University & Research Institutions
- American Institutes for Research AIR
- Brandeis University
- Columbia University
- Duke University
- Emory University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Oregon Health Sciences University OHSU
- RTI International
- Stanford University
- University of California, Los Angeles UCLA
- University of Texas
- Westat
- California Landscape Conservation Cooperative CALCC
- National Automated Clearing House Association NACHA
- Oregon Arts Commission
- Oregon Cultural Trust